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Useful Links

Below are some links to organisations mentioned in this site, or just to useful sites and services. Please click on the hyperlinks to visit their sites; but remember that clicking on a link will take you out of the Consilio site:

Association for Project Management


If you need assistance with product innovation, we suggest that you contact Feldon Ltd


Paul Smith underwent Prince2  through FGI. Read more about Prince2 at the APM Group Prince2 webpage here.

(Prince2 is the property of The Office of Government Commerce (OGC), which can be reached here.)


Consilio recommends the use of the Firefox browser whenever possible. Firefox is a free open source browser, available through Mozilla. Visit their site here.


Consilio uses the Zone Alarm firewall from Zone Labs and NOD 32 Anti-Virus by Eset


Consilio supports Acorns Children’s Hospice as our chosen charity. Visit their website here and there is a copy of their letter of thanks to us here.